Educator Preparation Programs Acknowledge Key Transformations Leading to Recognition in ELAR First-Time Pass Rates


  • Stephanie Grote-Garcia University of the Incarnate Word
  • Mariannella Núñez University of the Incarnate Word
  • Gae Connally Baylor University
  • Stephanie Talley Abilene Christian University
  • Renee Collins Hardin-Simmons University
  • Patricia (Patty) Leek University of Texas at Dallas
  • Michele McNeel University of Texas at Dallas
  • Amber Daub East Texas Baptist University


teacher certification, English Language Arts and Reading, Educator Preparation Programs


In spring 2023, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) commended eight Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) for their exceptional performance, notably achieving high first-time pass rates in English Language Arts and Reading (ELAR). Six of these programs have collaborated to share insights on program adjustments, coursework revisions, and additional resources that contributed to their success. This article examines transformative changes within these six programs and discusses common trends among the featured programs. By identifying and leveraging these patterns, other EPPs can enhance collaboration, inform strategic decisions, and maximize effectiveness, ultimately improving educational outcomes.

Keywords: teacher certification, English Language Arts and Reading licensure exam, Educator Preparation Programs


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How to Cite

Grote-Garcia, S., Núñez, M., Connally, G., Talley, S., Collins, R., Leek, P. (Patty), McNeel, M., & Daub, A. (2024). Educator Preparation Programs Acknowledge Key Transformations Leading to Recognition in ELAR First-Time Pass Rates. Texas Educator Preparation, 8(1), 61–70. Retrieved from