Disconnects Between General Education and Special Education

Is There Really a Difference for Inclusion Classrooms?


  • Ashleigh Bridges Sam Houston State University




inclusion, inclusive education, general education, Least Restrictive Environment, Special Education


In the field of education, there is a major discrepancy between how general education and special education is defined and the material that is taught. Students are often segregated out of general education and put into separate classrooms on different ends of the campus as well. But once inclusive education was introduced, that began to change to truly allow special education students to be part of their Least Restrictive Environment; or so everyone thought. Inclusive education has brought new challenges into the classroom. Teachers and special education students feel overwhelmed and not as supported as they should, which takes away from the purpose of being part of the general education environment. 


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How to Cite

Ashleigh Bridges. (2024). Disconnects Between General Education and Special Education: Is There Really a Difference for Inclusion Classrooms?. Texas Educator Preparation, 8(1), 55–60. https://doi.org/10.59719/txep.v8i1.39