How Do Teachers, Trained in Techniques of Functional Behavior Assessment, Use Their Knowledge and Skills in the Classroom? A Follow-up Study


  • Andria Young University of Houston - Victoria



Functional Behavior Assessment, function based behavior support, challenging behavior, teacher preparation


To make the case for pre-service and in-service teachers to learn how to conduct functional behavior assessments (FBA) and create function-based behavior supports, this study aimed to determine if, once trained, teachers apply their knowledge in some form in their classroom. Researchers have demonstrated that both teachers and students benefit from teachers learning to conduct FBAs and creating function-based behavior supports. Nineteen teachers who had completed a master’s level course covering functional behavior assessment concepts and procedures were surveyed to determine if they used their knowledge from the course to conduct formal FBAs to contribute to an individualized education plan (IEP) and in support of their classroom management efforts. Additionally, teachers were asked when they did not use formal FBA procedures if they attempted to determine the function of challenging behavior informally through daily observations of their students. Overall findings demonstrate the teachers used the FBA skills acquired during training both formally and through informal daily observations, with the majority indicating they applied knowledge of FBA during their informal daily observations of students. Teachers identified the main obstacle to conducting formal FBA as a lack of time, given their other responsibilities in the classroom. Implications for teacher preparation as well as in-service teacher professional development are discussed.


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How to Cite

Young, A. (2023). How Do Teachers, Trained in Techniques of Functional Behavior Assessment, Use Their Knowledge and Skills in the Classroom? A Follow-up Study. Texas Educator Preparation, 7(1), 43–57.