Digital Literacy Practices and Technology Applications of Former Teacher Candidates: Were They Prepared?
Digital literacies, Teacher candidates, Digital tools, Inservice teachers, K-12 practices, Teacher Preparation ProgramsAbstract
This study explored the intersections and disjunctures between digital literacy practices in a teacher preparation program coursework and personal digital literacy use. This research was based on interviews with six teacher candidates about their digital literacies in their first year as a classroom teacher, as a reflection on their teacher preparation program. The findings of this study indicated that teacher preparation programs should provide as much background knowledge of digital literacies and technology applications in preservice teachers’ coursework as needed for that program, although some districts adopt their own software and technology. While teacher preparation is important, the findings signified that there was no means to be prepared for it all.
KEY WORDS: Digital literacies, Teacher candidates, Digital tools, K-12 practices, higher education teacher programs
*Teacher Candidates – students in Teacher Preparation Programs
*Inservice Teachers – now classroom teachers first year teaching
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