Factors that Influence a Veteran Teacher’s Decision to Leave or Stay in the Classroom


  • Lori Toney Sam Houston State University
  • Dr. Casey Creghan Sam Houston State University
  • Dr. Michelle Parker Sam Houston State University




Veteran teachers, attrition, retention, education, teaching profession


Teacher turnover is a startling phenomenon in education. Much of the literature focuses on reasons newer teachers leave, while little has been done to study those who plan to stay. This study explored why veteran teachers leave or stay in the field. 597 teachers participated in a questionnaire that communicated long-term career plans. While most respondents planned to stay, their reasons varied. Teachers who plan to leave do so due to low wages and burnout. To conclude, researchers and school districts should consider solutions to increase veteran teacher retention to promote a higher quality of education for all students.


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How to Cite

Toney, L., Creghan, C., & Parker, M. (2023). Factors that Influence a Veteran Teacher’s Decision to Leave or Stay in the Classroom. Texas Educator Preparation, 7(2), 90–105. https://doi.org/10.59719/txep.v7i2.23